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How to Build a Successful YouTube Channel with Fiverr Gigs to Make Money in 2021

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Last Updated on 3 years by Go Review Rite

It’s 2021 and again we all about making money like every other year and of course one of them never-ending means to make money in any year, especially in these recent past years is owning a YouTube channel and creating your unique content for the world to see.

You can create your YouTube channel and make money in 2021 but like any other legit business or line of work, you have to be patient.

To be more efficient and make fewer mistakes, you should use the YouTube channel for beginners guide.

This guides you through the basic steps needed to make a successful YouTube channel as well as all those little but important things which form the backbone of making YouTube channels as there are for any kind of work.

The YouTube channel for beginners guide is important for anyone who has an interest in opening a YouTube channel and has intentions of doing this for a long time because, to be honest opening a YouTube channel will be baseless if you have no intentions of using it for a long time.

Creating a YouTube channel and making money from it isn’t as easy as it sounds but it is one of the longest-lasting means to make money you can ever have.

Your videos can keep making money for your long after you have stopped creating new content because your old content will always be new to someone who hasn’t seen it before and there will always be someone else out there who hasn’t seen it.

Table Of Contents

Start Successful YouTube channel With Just $5 Fiverr Gigs

There is someone that does every single job you want to do at Fiverr. You can start a company without actually doing anything and just paying people $5 to do it on Fiverr. YouTube channel experts are not lacking in Fiverr either.

Building a successful YouTube channel can be dependent on the quality of work and time you put in the initial stages of the YouTube channel or outsourcing this work to people who have the skill and experience and bypass the mistakes you are most likely to make if you carry out your YouTube channel creation yourself.

When it comes to making a YouTube channel it goes beyond making content, your content could be wonderful but if you can’t pass it across in an attractive way then nobody may ever get to see what you bring to the table.

Asides making content you also need to edit your videos properly, you may need edit pictures and text and many other things and it’s hard to have most of these skills in one person especially on a professional level.

Top Gigs that can Boost your YouTube Channel

Here are some of the gigs that will help you create a successful YouTube channel;

  • Gigs for intro videos
  • Gigs for animated logos
  • Gigs for video SEO
  • Gigs for transcription
  • Gigs for keywords research
  • Gigs for script writing
  • Gigs for video and video editing
  • Gigs for thumbnails

Gigs For Intro Videos

fiverr Gigs For Intro Videos

The first 5, 10 seconds of your video could be the turning point of your YouTube videos success. You have to give the viewers something they can enjoy seeing before the actual content comes up. It’s okay to just set on to business and start giving your content but it doesn’t make much of a brand out of you.

You need something people see and they associate it with your brand already.

There are gigs in Fiverr to help you create wonderful and unique videos for your YouTube channel. One that makes a brand out of you and helps you stand out.

Gigs for Animated Logos

Packaging and marketing yourself are one of the best ways to grow in any business or venture and building a YouTube channel is no exception people take you and your business on the class you put it and work with you with that knowledge at the back of their head and one way to build a successful YouTube channel with Fiverr gigs to make money is by using animated logos.

They make your work look professional and they tend to value any information sent across. There are a lot of impressive gigs on Fiverr to this effect and you would never run out of who to pay to get this done for you.

It is important to state that you should not get an animated logo or a video bumper which is longer than 5 to 10 seconds.

This isn’t good because even if the video bumper or animated logo is good, it isn’t what the viewer came to see and you may want to take them back to what they want to see or they begin to get impatient and some may just go back and click something else.

It is okay to put it 5 or 10 seconds after the actual video and they continue after the animated logo or video bumper has played through but it should still be short.

Gigs for Video SEO

Fiverr Gigs for Video SEO

SEO means search engine optimization and simply see it as a tool used to make your content one of the results to be displayed when things are search as relating to the content you have made or solutions you have made offline.

This is very important because you may have good content but without good Video SEO, nobody will get to see your content because people who have paid SEO or better SEO will rank higher and will be displayed higher than your content.

On Fiverr, you will find different people with different strategies who will help you make your videos visible both on YouTube and Google. Some strategies you may find are embedding your video link into a large number of websites in such a way that the WebCrawler rarely misses it when questions answered by your video is asked or information which can be found in your video is needed.

When you start a YouTube channel or a vlog you need to understand that tons of people have been there before you and thus would have their results shown before yours but with good SEO you can skip all that just to straight to the top result and nowhere better than Fiverr gigs to get the best in this area for your successful YouTube channel.

Gigs For Transcription

Fiverr Gigs For Transcription
Transcription text

This is one tool that hasn’t been used by many YouTubers but I assure you that if you want to make a successful YouTube channel you shouldn’t overlook this. When you do this Google and other search engines, as well as YouTube, can see the words being said in the video and this would make them decide faster and conclude that your video should be top of the list when keywords we related to your videos are searched.

 There are a good number of gigs for transcription and you must make use of them as they are cheap and it is more value for money and it has both short term and long term value.

Gigs for Keywords Research

fiverr Gigs for Keywords Research
Keywords Research COMMUNICATION research, on-page optimization, seo

Certain words are used more often than others when searching for certain results and you don’t want to write a content using keywords which won’t be found or cannot be put together so the ideal thing to do is to hire someone who has the necessary tools to find keywords you need to use for your channel and attach to it so they can come up when searched.

There are tons of gigs for this in Fiverr and honestly, I don’t think anything can go wrong in this aspect because there seems to be a software that just runs the statistics and bring the results.

Gigs for Script Writing

fiverr Gigs for Script Writing

Now here’s the thing with this one, if you pick a niche you are familiar with it are passionate about and you want to create your content using your own words then you may not need this but if you don’t know much or you don’t have the passion and won’t put your soul and heart to this then you can save yourself the stress and just pay someone with the professional skill to do this for you and trust me you would get a whole lot of people willing to do a great job for you for as little as $5 and you will be surprised at the quality of jobs you will get.

 If you are skeptical you can pick several writers and ask them to do the job and check which in you like best and work with them.

Gigs for Voice-Overs

fiverr Gigs for Voice-Overs

This may be very funny and interesting at the same time because you will find a lot of people with different accents willing to do the job of voice- over artist. You have to pick an accent from a person who’s the nation is somewhat related to your target audience.

If your target audience is Britain, then pick someone with a British accent and if it’s Africa then pick someone with an African accent. If you have a niche which isn’t based in nation or location then just pick someone that speaks English properly or the language you want to communicate in. They should speak it properly.

Gigs for Video and Video Editing

fiverr Gigs for Video and Video Editing

This is a bit funny and tricky because this is the one job you should be doing yourself. After all, it involves the actual video which is going to be displayed. However you may decide not to use your face, you may decide to just use moving images and words and animation and others and this is why you need to hire someone.

 You may have a good knowledge of video editing but like I said if you do not make your channel as professional and organized as it can be then you may end up looking like a rookie and this will ruin the reputation of your business and channel even when you content is good.

There are a good number of gigs in Fiverr which will make a good video edit for as little as $10 to $20 and you won’t regret it. They add everything needed by your channel to look great.

Gigs For YouTube Thumbnails

Graphic designer drawing sketches logo design. The concept of a new brand. Professional creative occupation with idea.

You need a good thumbnail. To be honest, this is pretty easy with a little idea of graphic design you can create a good thumbnail for yourself and even look great at it but again you may need a professional because the thumbnail is the door into your video and trust me, people like attractive doors. You could hire a thumbnail for $5 but you can also get amazing deals from people who would give 3 thumbnails for that same amount and you would get the same quality or even better.

As you can see you can make a fully blow YouTube channel without doing anything other than deciding on which niche you want to work on.

FAQs Regarding a Creating Successful YouTube Channel With Fiverr Gigs

Can you start a YouTube channel with only Fiverr gigs?

YES!! As shown above you can start your own YouTube channel and the only decision you have to make is what your YouTube channel is going to be for and start making money

How do you start your own YouTube channel with Fiverr freelancers?

First, you have to be familiar with how to use Fiverr which is very easy and no complications, next you have to follow the steps we have to listen above and hire the best in terms of pricing and job quality.

How do you start a YouTube channel and get paid?

When you start your own YouTube channel you don’t get paid immediately. There are certain milestones you need to reach and attain before you start getting paid.

First, you need to gather at least 1000subscribers. Secondly, you need to have at least 4000minutes on YouTube as watch time for you to be eligible. YouTube embeds adverts in between your videos and this way they make money and you make money but you need at least $100 before you request for payment.

Can you start a YouTube channel on a budget on Fiverr?

Yes. If you have some skills on your own and can carry out some of them on your videos then better for you but if you can’t then you can get someone to do all aspects of it for little amounts as low as $5 per segment and as high as $30 per segment and there are only about 5 segments

Can Fiverr freelancers help to make a YouTube channel without showing my face?

Yes. Many of the videos created doesn’t have to show your face. Most times it involves putting together short free videos and images with texts but no real people talking.

What are the best YouTube channel ideas without showing face?

There are a good number of YouTube channel ideas without showing face. Football or sports in general, fashion, history, facts, top 10s etc.

Can you start a YouTube channel without a camera, only Fiverr gigs?

Yes!!you can Start a YouTube channel without being on camera – that is actually doable, you save money in buying vlogging gears and you get to focus on the value that you can share to your target audience

Final Thought

Some people felt that the possibility of making money online was not real, and that is the main reason why those people fail to make money online, also most people are very lazy, it has nothing to do with bad luck or bad timing for you to make money online, it is merely an issue putting the hard work and stop procrastinating to start online business ideas.

Finally, I am very sure that after concluding reading this article you might come up with the excuse that “I am a beginner or on budget, I can’t afford to hire a freelancer from Fiverr to create those Youtube for me‘ don’t worry here is the perfect solution for you, option for free Youtube Video Creation Software to grow your Videos and Youtube Channel. If you have question or suggestion let me know in the comment section, let keep winning in 2021 and beyond.

2 thoughts on “How to Build a Successful YouTube Channel with Fiverr Gigs to Make Money in 2021”

  1. Pingback: 15 Online Business Ideas For Beginners You Can Start Today To Money

  2. Pingback: How to Start a YouTube Channel with Fiverr Gigs without Showing Your Face on Camera

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