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How to Block Low CPC Ads in AdSense – (Increase AdSense CPC)

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Last Updated on 2 years by Go Review Rite

Google AdSense is a widely used advertising platform that allows website owners and content creators to monetize their online content. 

While AdSense offers numerous benefits, such as a wide range of ad formats and high-quality advertisers, it’s not uncommon to encounter low-paying networks that can negatively impact your revenue. 

How to Block Low CPC Ads in AdSense

Some networks pay very little, so it’s important to remove them in order to make room for higher-paying ones. 

If you’re in a hurry just download 500  list of low CPC Adsense advertiser’s sites its 2023 updated

In this step-by-step guide, we will explore effective strategies to Block Low CPC Ads in AdSense and optimise your earnings.

Table Of Contents

How to Block Low CPC Ads in AdSense With Full List Low CPC URLs

Low CPC networks can significantly reduce your overall AdSense revenue, as they often display ads with low cost-per-click (CPC) rates. 

By identifying and blocking these networks, you can ensure that your website displays ads from higher-paying advertisers, increasing your CPC and maximising your earnings potential.

Step 1; Determine Low CPC Ads Networks 

To start, it’s important to analyse and get a list of all low-paying ad networks. 

Determine Low CPC Ads Networks

So log into your AdSense account and navigate to the “Report” section. From there, you need to scroll down and click on Add Network.

Step 2 Analysis Your Revenue per Thousand Impressions (RPM) 

Then select the RPM (Revenue per thousand impressions) option and choose a specific time frame, such as the last 30 days. 

Analysis Your Revenue per Thousand Impressions (RPM) 

This generates a list of networks, including Google, Criteo Europe, and China.

Step 3: Export The Report For Further Analysis. 

The next step is to export the report, either to Google Sheets or download and open it to Excel,

 you can do so by clicking on the 3 dots at the top left corner and selecting the export option that suits you best. 

Export The Report For Further Analysis

By opening the report, you can identify low-paying networks by going through the list CPC section. 

Step; 4 Identify Very Low CPC and RPM

The important column to look for is the “Ad Network Company” and the CPC column. 

These are the 2 columns that hold all the data you need. Identify and make a list of them all. 

Networks like Yandex and others that pay very little should be blocked. 

Step 5; Use AdSense Blocking Control. 

To Block Low CPC Ads in AdSense, you need to go back to AdSense, click on “Brand Safety,” then you click on “Content,” and then find and click on “Blocking Control,” 

Use AdSense Blocking Control

From there, they scroll down and click on Manage Ad Network.

scroll down and click on Manage Ad Network

You can then paste the names of each low CPC network from the report on the search bar to find and “block” them to prevent them from appearing in your AdSense account again. 

low-paying network from the report

Step 6; Block List Of Low Advertiser URLs 

Block List Of Low Advertiser URLs 

You can Block Low CPC Ads in AdSense using the ads link method (or, clickthrough) to specific URLs.

You need only to copy this 500  list of low CPC Adsense advertiser’s sites and past into your AdSense account at the BLOCK ADVERTISERS URL tab

Step 7; Monitor Ad Performance and Adjust as Needed

Blocking low-paying networks is not a one-time task. It’s important to monitor your ad performance regularly and make adjustments as needed. 

Continue searching for low-paying networks and blocking them to increase your ad earnings. 

Here are some tips to help you stay on top of your ad optimization:

  • – Keep track of your revenue and identify any significant fluctuations.
  • – Analyse the performance of newly added networks and make necessary changes if they turn out to be low-paying.

Continuously explore new high-paying networks to add to your ad rotation.


Optimising your Google AdSense revenue requires proactive management of low-paying networks. 

By following the step-by-step guide on easy ways to Block Low CPC Ads in AdSense provided in this article, you can effectively block low-paying networks and increase your earnings. 

Remember to monitor your ad performance regularly and make adjustments as needed to maximise your earnings and revenue potential.

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